Yahoo! Widget
What are Yahoo! Widgets?

License (LGPL)
open source image

  Download and Install PasswordMaker 1.3 for Yahoo! Widgets
Latest stable release - 295kb

Release Notes:
  • Removed display of the debug window introduced in 1.2. Once again, Mac users should stick with version 1.1.
  Download and Install PasswordMaker 1.2 for Yahoo! Widgets

Release Notes:
  • Wow, there are so many changes this time that we lost track. Everything that was requested in the Widget Gallery is included, as well as some other features. Unfortunately, the widget doesn't paint correctly on Macintosh systems. Working on a fix, but in the meantime Mac users should stay with version 1.1.
  Download and Install PasswordMaker 1.1 for Yahoo! Widgets

Release Notes:
  • Fixed bug whereby HMAC algorithms didn't calculate correct passwords (discussed here).
  Download and Install PasswordMaker 1.0 for Yahoo! Widgets
- 217kb

Release Notes:
  • Initial release