Beta Releases

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1.7 Beta8 Release Notes:
- Mistakenly numbered this release "beta8" instead of "beta7".
- Final fixes for storing/clearing master password hashes
- Added Chinese (zh-CN) localization
- Added localization updates for other translations from
Version 1.7 beta7 was not released due to a numbering mistake.

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1.7 Beta6 Release Notes:
- String changes requested here as well as other string changes.
- Added German (de-DE) localization
- Added localization updates for other translations from
- Performance improvements (passwordmaker.rdf is no longer written to when options.xul is opened, only read from)
- Bug fix for "Hide Master Password Field (number of asterisks)" which was introduced in an earlier 1.7 beta
- Persistence of the tips window width and height

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1.7 Beta5 Release Notes:
- More fixes and changes for MPW Hash storage as discussed here. Notably, the GUI is much simpler now with just one "Store/Replace" button and one "Clear" button.
- Enhancements to tips.xul for easier translation as suggested here by Goofy
- Fixed dialog sizing persistence issues discussed here by Alf.
- Fixed Enable the options button for PasswordManager in Firefox's Extension Manager (bug 005). Actually, I think this was fixed in 1.7 beta4 but I forgot to put it in the release notes below.

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1.7 Beta4 Release Notes:
- lots of GUI fixes and storage optimizations for storage of master password hashes. please note that new RDF subjects are used from previous betas. this means any previously-stored master password hashes will not be found. simply re-store them and all will be well. you can optionally trim the old subjects from your passwordmaker.rdf file if you are concerned about excessive file size. The subject "masterPasswordSalt" has been changed to "mpwSalt" and the subject "masterPasswordHashed" has been changed to "mpwHash".
- added the ability to clear master password hashes from disk ("Clear" buttons)
- localization updates
- one remaining bug: when using auto-populate and prompted for the MPW, the comparison against the stored hash (if any) doesn't succeed. update: bug fixed

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1.7 Beta3 Release Notes:
- Localization updates and consolidation of code

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1.7 Beta2 Release Notes:
- More localizations
- Minor bug fixes
- GUI enhancements by Teo

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1.7 Beta1 Release Notes:
- Fixed URL Patterns visible for default settings (discussed here)
- Fixed clipping of "Calculated URL of current site" for the default account when the calculated URL is very long.
- Master Password Verification - Thanks, John Lenz!
- Localization of PasswordMaker so it can be offered in other languages besides English - Thanks, Mauro!
- Brazilian Portugese (pt-BR) translation